Debt settlement can be a great way to pay back less than you currently owe….on your own terms.
What is debt settlement? Sometimes called “debt arbitration” or “debt negotiation,” debt settlement is an agreement made between a creditor and a consumer in which the total debt balance owed is reduced and/or fees are waived, and the reduced debt amount is paid in a lump sum instead of revolving monthly. The term settlement comes from the idea that the creditor agrees to “settle” your account, and also generally includes the closing of the account.
Is debt settlement ever a legitimate and viable option? Yes, but only in certain conditions, and it can cause potentially negative effects to your overall monetary situation and credit profile. Each creditor’s policy on account settlement varies, and it is always a creditor’s right to dictate their own terms. Determining factors may include the total amount of debt owed, the length of time an account has been active, the length of time the account has been delinquent, along with other criteria.
Our Team at Signature Servicing is comprised of professionals who put your needs first, and will stop at nothing to get you the best possible result.
Signature Servicing is one of the country’s most ethical debt settlement companies and always looks out for your interests as a consumer. We operate in most states and have decades of experience in the debt relief and financial service industry. We fully realize the severity of your unique financial situation, and have dedicated ourselves to be YOUR advocate in these challenging times. We are leaders in the debt settlement field and have worked with hundreds of creditors.
The Customer Service reps and Negotiators work in tandem to better serve our customers. No fees will be collected by our organization until your debts are settled and agreements with creditors are reached. There are no fees to cancel and your money can always be refunded.
Signature Servicing is a proud member of the following leading industry associations:
Credit Card Debt Statistics
Americans have created billions of dollars worth of debt over the past 45 years, and credit card debt has been an important part of that. Credit card debt dove — along with consumer spending — during the 2008 financial crisis and slow growth has kept total revolving debt at pre-crisis levels, though it is creeping up. According to figures from the Federal Reserve, total U.S. outstanding consumer debt was $3.62 trillion as of May 2016. That figure includes car loans, student loans and revolving debt, but not mortgages. Total U.S. outstanding revolving debt, which is chiefly made up of credit card balances, was $953.3 billion as of May 2016.1
Average credit card debt is not a single number. Instead, you will get many different answers, depending on how you measure it. The average debt is:
- $1,128 per card that doesn’t carry a balance (the amount is charged, but paid off monthly)
- $1,674 per account, U.S. adults with a credit report and Social Security number
- $3,766 per person, U.S. resident adults
- $5,232 per person, excluding unused cards and store cards
- $5,540 per U.S. adult with a credit card
- $7,494 per card that usually carries a balance
- $9,600 per household with credit card debt
The amount of average credit card debt has been steadily increasing over the long term. As of 2013, a person born between 1980 and 1984 had on average $5,689 more in credit card debt than his or her parents (those born between 1950 and 1954) at the same stage of life and $8,156 more in credit card debt than his or her grandparents (those born between 1920 and 1924).
The Great Recession reversed the growth of credit card debt — at least for a few years. According to TransUnion, between the first quarters of 2008 and 2014, average credit card debt per borrower fell from a high of $6,276 in mid-2008 to $5,164 in Q1 of 2014 — the lowest point in the six-year period. Balances have been creeping up since then at a national level, though some states have seen decreases.